Best class setup for hardpoint cod mobile and best loadout for hardpoint cod mobile. Best hardpoint class setup with best loadout for hardpoint cod mobile. Hardpoint is one of the popular game mode in cod mobile and you should have best class setup to win hardpoint cod mobile. Best guns for hardpoint, best operator skill for hardpoint, best tactical and lethal weapons for hardpoint, best scorestreaks for hardpoint and best perks for hardpoint matches show in this video. Watch the video and know the best class setup for hardpoint cod mobile.

Hardpoint, Famous game mode in cod mobile, do you know correct class setup to play Hardpoint?

In this video we are going to show you best guns, best attachments, best scorestreaks, operator skill, tactical and lethal weapons you should carry on and best perks to play hardpoint games. After you watch you will improve your game style in hardpoint matches. Subscribe our video channel click on bell icon to get instant notifications when we upload new video about cod mobile tips and tricks.

Hardpoint and domination are very similar game modes but in the hardpoint you don’t have static location to capture. It change minute by minute to different location. How long your team capture the location you will increase your score. You need to score 150 to win and who score first win the game or who score most win when time runs out. This is very popular game in rank match search engine and you should know best class setup to win hardpoint in ease. In rank matches most of the maps in cod mobile available for hardpoint matches and when you play you will get familiar the location which change the hardpoint minute by minute? It is very important to know the hardpoint locations to score quickly and win the game. When you capture the hardpoint you can score and when you kill inside the hardpoint you score more than outside the hardpoint. You can die as many as times in the game and you will re spawn.

First lets talk about primary and secondary guns. For your primary gun carry assault rifle or SMG. Don’t play with LMGs they are bit heavy and hard to move. Because you need to have better mobility to move quickly towards hardpoint. So we suggest best Assault rifle or SMG you like to play. We mostly play with KN44. If you want to know best attachments for KN44 click on the above link. Our choice for secondary weapon is rocket launcher. This is very effective when you enter the hardpoint. You can shoot towards hardpoint and kill enemy’s wide radius by rocket launcher. As operator skill we still suggest graviry spike. Season 7 update reduce the effectiveness of the gravity spike. But still for hardpoint games gravity spikes works well. Stick grenade or hand grenade is our choice for lethan weapon and for tactical smoke grenade. You can smoke the hardpoint with smoke bomb and your enemies hard to find your location inside the hardpoint.

HBR is the most favorite gun in cod mobile new season, find our best attachments to play with HBRa3 on above link. Now lets talk about perks to play hardpoint matches. We suggest you light weight, cold blooded and dead silence as your perks. Light weight helps to move fast which is mandatory in hardpoint matches and cold blooded make you immune for AI controlled scorestreaks. Dead silence make your movement silent. Finally as our scorestreaks you can use Hunter killer drone, predator missile and sentry gun. Hunter killer drone and predator missiles help to get advantage to capture hardpoints. You can use sentry gun infront of hardpoint to defend the hardpoint, then your enemies can not come and capture hardpoint.

Now you have complete class setup to play hardpoint matches in call of duty mobile. Try our class setup and give us your feedbacks and your opinions regarding best class setup for hardpoint matches. Subscribe our gamersin80s youtube channel and click on bell icon to get instant notifications.

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